Friday, November 9, 2012

Good News

You may be relieved (or possibly amused) to know that I took a quiz, and it turns out that I am not actually a misanthrope. I'm simply anti-social.

Stop laughing. It's true.

I don't hate the planet or every person on it. I am open to the idea of making new friends. I give anonymously, and there is no need to glorify me. (Sometimes people just need a helping hand. It's cool.) I understand the concept of "spreading positivity", and I am fine with it! I even like it when random people smile at me for no reason. I'm not suspicious of them when they do.

Of course if one of my bosses is smiling at me, then I might be suspicious. I might pretend I didn't see him at all, no matter how hard he tries to make eye contact. I'm sure to look just beyond him, at something behind him, or perhaps right over his head. After all, when it's a boss that wants to spread positivity my direction, you can bet your ass there's somethin' up with that.

Same thing goes for the children. You can't trust the little monsters. They always want something.


  1. Hey now, Missy, there is nothing, nothing wrong with misanthropy, and perky people are disturbing. Just saying.

    1. You might be on to something about the perky people. The only time I'm perky is when I'm clocked and getting paid.

  2. Children? Oh, hellz no. :-) Little buggers.

    We can be friends. It'll be a long-distance relationship. :-)


    1. That's the best kind of friendship, long-distance. It's how I've managed to tolerate my best friend for the last twenty-seven years!

  3. I'm OK with children once they're about half grown up, as little as there is to recommend those years of puberty. I don't know how high school teachers survive.

    1. I like the little kids. Once they're older, I mostly just want to smack 'em upside their heads. (just kidding...sort of.)

  4. This could so easily have been a post written by me :)

    1. I think you're right. I do relate to you quite a bit.

  5. Anti-social; that's not bad. I tend to be that too, at least part-time. I need to have quite some time alone. Since I live on the other side of the world, I can probably promise that we will never ever meet in real life. Don't want to disturb you in your anti-socialness >:)

    Cold As Heaven

    1. If I'm ever happy in a soacial situation, I assure you, I'm faking it.

  6. Sometimes I really wish I could be anti-social. Seems people see right through that though and talk to me anyway.
